1. FBS & PPBS - The test is done in the morning before the person has eaten. Diabetes is normally detected when fasting blood glucose levels are 126 mg/dl or higher than that. PPBS (Postprandial Blood
Sugar) is a glucose test that is done on the blood. It determines the type of sugar in the blood, it is also known as glucose after a certain meal.
2. Lipid Profile - It is a combination of some tests conducted together to check whether there are any risks of heart disease, which depend on factors like eating habits, diet, stress, and exercise.
3. Liver Function - Liver function tests, help to determine the health of your liver, they measure the level of proteins, liver enzymes, and bilirubin in your blood.
4. Serum Creatinine - Serum Creatinine is a blood test done to determine the amount of creatinine present in the blood. The capacity of the kidneys to remove creatinine is called creatinine clearance.
5. Thyroid Profile - The Thyroid Profile is a group of three tests that are done together to diagnose thyroid diseases. Thyroid Profile measures the levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), Thyroxine
(T4) - Total, and TriIodothyronine (T3) in your blood.
6. RFT - Renal Function Test (RFT) is a combination of biochemistry blood tests that helps in assessing renal/kidney functioning. It is also known as Kidney Function Test (KFT).
7. X-Ray Chest PA View - X-rays will help diagnose all the causes of shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, even fevers. They sometimes also help in diagnosing heart and lung sounds and conditions related
to them.
8. ECG - This will record the activity of the heart. It shows arrhythmias or dysrhythmias, finds heart damage and helps find the cause of chest pain and heart murmurs.
9. Haemogram - Complete Haemogram is a series of tests that includes a complete blood count (CBC) and an Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
Other tests may include:
- Calcium
- HBsAg Screening
- Cholesterol
- Stool Examination
- Electrolytes
- Haemogram